Thursday, December 7, 2017

Hector Vasquez reviews Vic Muniz

 Vic Muniz is a brazilian contemporary photographer. He was born on December 20, 1961 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Muniz is well known for his recreations of famous artworks by using reincorporated materials. Some of Muniz's recreations include  as Andy Warhol's work "Double Mona Lisa", in which Muniz used peanut butter and jelly as his medium. In 2010, a film was made which featured Muniz's artwork. The film was was called "Wasteland", and it featured Muniz's artwork of photographs that he took of trash pickers in 2008. Vic Muniz
Muniz's 2008 artwork featured in "Wasteland-2010

He then later recreated that artwork into sizeable arrangements of garbage. He did this to bring much needed awareness to the growing issue of poverty.
 Muniz currently lives in New York City and Rio De Jeneiro, where he continues his amazing artworks. He was educated at Fundacao Armando Alvares Pentado.

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