Thursday, April 24, 2014

Autumn Dean/ Michael Mapes

Michael Mapes is a photographer that takes photography and turns it into a sculpture.  He is known for his portraits that are dissected into small parts and then reassembled in a way that you focus on every tiny piece as a picture in itself.  Michael is very interested in biological and forensic science.  In these portraits he shows genealogical information such as bottles with hair or fingernail clippings.  He also includes samples of the subject’s handwriting to show a more personal connection with the subject.  These portraits are put together with needles that people often use in science labs with insects.  These photographic sculptures are a great medley of the two mediums as well as their subjects, science and art. 
Michael also creates his work out of not only faces but other parts of the body as well.  In one series he uses hands and eyes as his subject.  This is to portray the Hamsa, which is a recognizable sign of protection in cultures throughout time.  With just using pictures of the hands and eyes you would think you would lose the subjects characteristics, but this is so not true.  The final composition really shows the individuals unique characteristics of the hands and eyes.  I think Michael Mapes is a genius with how articulate he is with his compositions.  It is hard to cut up a piece and then put it back together in a way that is more powerful then the original photograph.  This artist is someone to really watch in the future.

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