Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apryl Corbin Ralph Eugene Meatyard 10.27.09

In the spirit of Halloween!!
Ralph Eugene Meatyard is renowned for his images of children and adults wearing this cheap dollar store Halloween masks. His work has an eye for the setting and the pose, because of Meatyard’s ability to construct startling black and white contrasts from the paper he uses. This paper makes his images look like apparitions.
Meatyard dispensed with the murky backgrounds. These images relied entirely on the transgressive impact of his masked figures nonchalantly inhabiting the daylight world like regular folk, as if they belonged. This is what you are seeing in Occasion for Diriment.
I was just looking at some of Meatyard's work and remembered how on the first semester of photography I fell in love with his images, regardless of how creepy they were. They are just so beautiful-- they way they were printed and constructed.
These images are something you could shoot any day, but he put this peculiar twist to them to give them his signature.

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